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St-Rémy, the world’s leading French brandy, has partnered with French mixologist Matthias Giroud to create an enchanting series of five lower-alcohol cocktail creations to accommodate the growing number of consumers looking to reduce their alcohol intake.
Matthias has crafted five distinct lower-alcohol cocktails, all containing less than 8% ABV, with two tipples featuring the delightfully smooth and oaky St-Rémy Signature and three showcasing the rich complexity of St-Rémy XO.
The collection is inspired by the changing seasons and the bountiful Harvest period, allowing consumers to enjoy St-Rémy all year round.
The Spring Bud cocktail undercuts the richness of St-Rémy Signature with floral and delicate flavours of elderflower, lemon and topped with a cucumber garnish.

The Sunny Day is the ideal accompaniment to a warm summer night, blending St-Rémy Signature with apricot liqueur, agave syrup, and some refreshing verjus to cut through the sweetness.

A reference to St-Rémy’s origins in the French vineyards, the Harvest Time recipe brings together St-Rémy XO with red vermouth, grape juice, Cointreau, and a luscious grape garnish, embodying the richness of the season.

The Autumn Leaves embraces the warmth of autumn with St-Rémy XO, chestnut syrup, lime juice, ice, and apple juice, elegantly garnished with a crisp apple slice.

The Winter Walk recipe embraces the rich and complex St-Rémy XO by blending it with festive flavours of orange, cinnamon, and ginger ale, finished with a twist of orange for a cosy tipple with a lower-alcohol content.

These recipes will be available on St-Rémy website: and social media throughout January.
St-Rémy XO is available at Waitrose, Sainsbury’s, Morrisons and Amazon for £20

St-Rémy XO Tasting Notes
Luminous amber, with a rich golden aura.
Mature nose underpinned with echoes of oak and delicate vanilla aromas, layered with hints of ripe fruits and honey.
A rich palate of flavours. Subtle notes of wood and vanilla are enriched with flavours of gingerbread, candied apricots, dates, figs, and nuts. This complex taste is subtly spicy and offers a long finish.

St-Rémy Signature Tasting Notes
Luminous, bright amber, intensified by fiery, red sparks.
A sweet aroma of virgin wood and spices such as vanilla, coconut and almond, as well as fresh fruits.
Subtle and smooth. Virgin woody notes are enriched with honey, nut and butter flavours. Fruity notes start fresh, and then become candied. Sweet spices create roundness and balance.
Please drink responsibly.


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