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The Carnival of Venice is one of the most expected happening in the Lagoon and one of the most well-known events around the world thanks to its timeless charme for centuries. Since its origin, during the Carnival period, the activities and affairs of the Venetians faded into the background, and they spent the majority of their time celebrating, having fun, jokes, entertainment and events that were set up throughout the city, and in the mansions of the magnifi cent Venetian palaces harbored grandiose and long parties with sumptuous masked balls.
The historical Baglioni Hotel Luna, just a few steps from St. Mark’s Square, is waiting for you to experience the ancient splendeurs and the long time traditions of the Venice Carnival.
Moon Masquerade
Saturday, 11 February 2023
Saturday, 18 February 2023

Take part in the sumptuous Moon Masquerade Party masked ball full of fun and refined menu signed by the starred Chef Sadler. A mere hop and a skip from St Mark’s, the Baglioni Hotel Luna is ready to induct you into the magnificence of the Carnival tradition. Starting from 7.00 pm, an exclusive cocktail awaits you to let you immerse yourself in the history and culture of this traditional festival and its authentic dances staged by Commedia dell’Arte’s masks. The evening continues in the elegant surroundings of the Marco Polo Ballroom, an artistic gem with original 18th-century frescoes by the Tiepolo school. Our professional dancers will step you through the minuet, the typical dance of the French baroque courts, for a Carnival in true Venetian style. Delight in the delicacies created by our Chef in a sophisticated dinner accompanied, as in period parties, by the melodic repertoire of a string quartet. Then dance the rest of the night away to the rhythm of international songs.
The Atelier La Bauta will be at your disposal at Baglioni Hotel Luna to rent or buy costumes and access.

Saturday, 11 Feb. Adults 380,00 €; Child under 12 years old: 265,00 €
Saturday, 18 Feb. Adults 550,00 €; Child under 12 years old: 385,00 €

11th February Any cancellations after 12 noon on 4th February 2023 will be charged in full.
18th February Any cancellations after 12 noon on 11th February 2023 will be charged in full.

Ph. +39 041 5289840 – Email:


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